My first AYRI practice...
Sharath gave me a 6:30 slot. I arrived at 6:15 to be sure I was not late and he told me I was too early. My very first sun salutation I did 'ekum hands up, dve exhale fold foreward...' and then Guruji pushed down on my lower back. So. I was adjusted during my first breath. Later, Sharath adjusted me in urdhva muka paschimottanasana making my nose touch my legs and I did dropbacks with Saraswatti. I was suprised by the amount of help I got. I was expecting to not be adjusted at all. I was also suprised that towards the second half of my practice the room was only half full. I was able to do supta hasta padangusthasana and then going to the side without worrying about touching anyone. When I left I would say there were 40 people there.
Now the downside. My right ankle is still swollen (see my last blog where I recount how I fell into a 7' deep sewer trench). My landlady looked at it last night and told me she would take me to her "American trained" doctor to have it x-rayed on Friday if the swelling has not gone down. It has been a week since the injury and it is still swollen. I am icing it while elevated each night. Pointing my toe does not hurt but any lateral move does and it hurts in half lotus on the right. Renting a motor scooter helped this passed week... When I push back on my shin bone, my tibia is not visibly shifting backwards at the ankle joint so I am hoping my anterior talo-fibular ligament is not torn. I wonder if I have a hairline fracture of my fibula.
I did the whole primary this morning but I have to say that if I had not come all the way to Mysore I would not have. I am not one to normally take risks with my body. I got to Marichyasana D on that side and my fibula hurt getting into lotus. But I did not want to be stopped there for the rest of my time here... when I normally can do it. Well, we will see Friday. If I broke something that will be that, I guess.