Sunday, June 25, 2006


This morning was a 5 am led primary because yesterday was a moon day (and Sundays are when we have a 5 am led primary in Mysore. Those who have been split-to-second come at 6:15 for led second series. I was at the back of the pack going in and ended up in the marble vestibule (entry-way) with three other students. At around the end of sun salutations five people people came into the vestibule. They had lights, equipment, a huge professional movie camera, a bunch of bags and clipboards. Mind you, I was focused on my practice... it is just that there was really not enough room not to notice. And they were talking quitely (despite signs saying not to). They put up several disclaimers on the wall at around virabadrasana time. These I later read were from a production company saying that were you to come into the shala, you were agreeing to allow your image to be in an upcoming documentary.

But... the primary series was not their target. When we were done and the second series students came in the crew set up in earnest. I went home and took a nap.

On a more personal note, Sharath came into the vestibule at garbapindasana and told me to try it. Unfortunately my ankle is still swollen from the sprain - a month later so I could not do it because it was an obvious 'Don't-Do-That!' pain when I went into half lotus on the right side. I have re-injured the ankle a couple times... it is fragile now and turns easily.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Totally unrelated comment: I had the chocolate cake from Regaalis over the weekend. Had breakfast also there and probably will have to skip food for the next few days :-)

talk to you some time this week?

1:25 AM  
Blogger Matrika said...

very dangerous reminding me of that cake... I will contact you

7:26 AM  

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