Thursday, June 15, 2006

Bovine News

1. The female buffalo (cow) on the way to the water trough notices me.

2. After two minutes staring with both eyes, the cow starts sizing me up with just the left eye while literally chewing it over... two more minutes pass...

3. Traffic goes around cow as cow considers situation.

4. Cow decides my interest in her is harmless and she can approach the water trough and take a drink.

Speaking of cows... my dosha is Kapha with a distant secondary Vata. This makes me in many ways like a cow and (my theory is) highly suited to Ashtanga. Kapha types tend to be strong but not easily motivated to action. They tend to be slow, grounded, trusting, loyal and did I say slow?

I am noticing that a lot of people in this Ashtanga Mecca are rajasic... leaning toward what in the west is called the "type A" personality. It seems that - while satisfying because it seems to reinforce their coping strategies and world view - Ashtanga exacerbates the rajasic, hot, excited, strenuous, conquering and achievement side in these people. This can be summed up in the phrase that a long-time student said to one of my dinner mates when my dinner mate unwittingly tried to put her mat down in the front row. Long-time rajasic ashtangi: "This is my spot!"

Me, on the other hand... Ashtanga pushes uncomfortably against my desire to sleep! The last thing I think I am naturally inclined to do is get up early and create a lot of heat. It is balancing for me because it is not the direction I grow were I to grow like a weed. So, an injury is always a delicate thing for me. Am I being careful or lazy - or both?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ohhh ... do the mat wars live up to their reputation? Im going to be in Mysore this November and I keep having little fits of anxiety about them.

9:15 AM  
Blogger Karen said...

Great pictures! Perhaps the mat wars can be taken a step further with the introduction of armored mats--with spikes sticking out of them, like the chariot in Ben Hur or a vehicle from Mad Max ;-)

9:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry but this is a water buffalo. In Kannada it is called emmae :-)Most people in India drink buffalo milk. They are very gentle creatures and love to wallow in the mud.

10:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh no! The post above is mine, not "anonymous"

Type A personalities remain the same :-)

Heh Heh Heh. I was trying to picture Karen's mat ideas.

Looking forward to good filter coffee. My son has taken pictures of the coffee there. He was fascinated with the flowers drawn on the foam!

What does your blogname mean? Mother or Friend?

11:07 AM  
Blogger Matrika said...

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11:16 PM  
Blogger Matrika said...

Karen and Jody... I have not personally had a bad mat experience but I have heard a bunch of conversations about it. I do not try to put my mat down in the first two rows - so that might be the reason... PSU... the statue at the top left of this webpage is a Matrika statue from India.

11:34 PM  
Blogger Matrika said...

About the buffalo... Any female bovine (member of the bovidae family) is a "cow" and a male is a "bull." However, I will edit the post to be more precise.

11:41 PM  

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